An Invitation to Conversations That Matter
Connecting life at ever deepening levels....
Phone 574-339-4900
An Invitation to Conversations That Matter
Connecting life at ever deepening levels....
Phone 574-339-4900
Signed in as:
Connecting life at ever deepening levels....
Phone 574-339-4900
Connecting life at ever deepening levels....
Phone 574-339-4900
February, 2025
As a way of encouraging folks to make time and space in their everyday lives for moments of spontaneous reflection, allowing whatever wants to fow into awareness, we will post musings from Anne's notebook.
The intention is that by sharing noticings, ponderings, musings from one ordinary life, you may be inspired to grab a notebook and do some scribbling as a way of paying greater attention to your own lives. Most of us are ordinary folks, living on day at a time, trying to do the best we can. Ordinary lives, perhaps, yet potentially rich in meaning. Why not experiment in being present to your one precious life in ways that allow glimpses of the profound gift it is to wake up to another day even when many struggles and challenges are also present?
This event will awaken in our hearts vision that will inspire, action that will be transformative, and a sense of hope that will make a difference for a better 2025.
Saturday, March 22, 2005: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
Sunday, March 23: 2 to 4 p.m.